I’m currently in the process of developing my online shop to supply cctv equipment to installers in the UK (obviously using my own equipment on my installs too!). I have a shipment due in very shortly which should give me a basis to work on and I was hoping to make use of Ebay to help getting my business started.

All the items that I currently have, or should have shortly, are available in my store. I have spent quite some time sourcing high quality equipment which I have tested myself to ensure that it is all top quality and fit for reliable installations. My plans are to try and bring in a greater range of products, but as with any business starting out, this will take time. I have priced all the items at prices that you wouldn’t even obtain at most wholesalers, mainly due to the fact that my business is being run from home, and I am able to pass my savings on to the customers.

However, I am absolutely shocked to find some retailers on Ebay are selling very similar goods to mine for prices I couldn’t even match if I wanted to! I have carried out several reverse calculations on prices available on Ebay, and taking into account the listing fees, Ebay final valuation fees, Paypal charges, and S&H (shipping and handling) costs, I really cannot understand how these people are possibly making any money at all! Even with huge bulk buying capability it just isn’t possible to make a living. Ebay have also been quite clever in its advertising of the ‘Free shipping’ availability that businesses are making use of to get their listings on the top pages. As far as I’m aware they don’t charge a final valuation fee on the cost of shipping, but now with it included in so many listings they get a little bit extra because that shipping fee has obviously been taken account of in the retail price!

So, are there any business people out there who want to share the secret of successfully selling on Ebay and making a profit?! I’m sure that in the long run something is going to break and those people relying on Ebay to acquire their products cheaply will end up paying the price. As the smaller companies disappear so the prices of the kit will quickly rise… at least in my eyes.

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